Extrudes a 2D geometry along its normal (usually local Z-axis) to create a 3D geometry.
Target Shape: The 2D geometry you want to extrude.
Height : The amount of extrusion that will be applied in the positive direction.
Depth: The amount of extrusion that will be applied in the negative direction.
Local Normals: If this is selected the faces will be extruded in the direction of their normal. Otherwise all faces will be extruded in the direction of the normal of the first valid face.
Advanced Inputs
V(iewer)/E(xport) Segments : Specifies the number of segments for viewing/export purposes that will be created in the extruded object (by default none).
Lerp: Ratio of X- versus Y-extrusion.
Spline X/Y: Extrusion profile along the shape's local X-/Y-axis.
Creates a ‘cut’ in the target mesh at the intersection with the cut mesh. This cut can be extruded with the Extrude cut modifier to create an emboss or deboss.
Target: The target mesh.
Cut: The secondary mesh that cuts into the target mesh.
Allows you to reduce the vertex/face count of the target geometry with minimal shape changes.
Target: The target geometry.
Decimate Max Normal Cone (deg): Determines how much faces may vary from the cone angle. Faces that are smaller than the angle will be decimated.
Decimate Max edge length: Determines what the maximum possible length an edge can have after decimation.
Remove Stragglers: Looks at all present shells and keeps the largest. In other words, it removes floating geometry.
Collapse Empty Edges: Overlapping vertices get merged.
Extrude cut
Extrudes the faces that got cut with the cut modifier to create an emboss or deboss.
Target: The target geometry.
Thickness: Desired thickness of extruded geometry.
Tag: Tag of the cut geometry.
Weight Map: A weight map.
Outer Radius: The base of the extrusion can be rounded with the given radius.
Outer Rounding Quality: A number between 0 and 1 that determines the quality of the meshing in the rounded area. 1 means best quality, but has a lot of polygons. Use 0 to get a chamfer effect.
Visualizing Rounding Separately: A flag to determine if rounding effect is needed only for visualization, so it creates a separate mesh for rounding not included in the actual mesh triangulation because it can be a very heavy and dense mesh.
Creates a variable geometry using linear morphing, a technique where each point (vertex) in the geometry gradually translates from one location (defined by first mesh) to another (defined by second mesh).
To make this work the starting geometry and final geometry need to have the exact same amount of vertices that are in the same order in both geometries.
The value inputted in the interpolation field defines by what factor each vertex is translated. So an interpolation of 0 will result in the starting geometry and value 1 will result in the final geometry.
Shapekey 1: Geometry representing the starting state of the morph.
Shapekey 2: Geometry representing the final state of the morph.
Interpolation (0-1): A value between 0 and 1. The relative step in the morphing process that the output should represent. A value of 0 results in the starting state, a value of 1 results in the final state.
Group geometry
Groups two objects together.
When you have two shapes that need the same values, use this to group two meshes together to use the same nodes.
Target 1 & 2: A mesh.
Boundary measure
Measures the boundary of geometry (in mm) along a certain axis.
Target To Measure: The input geometry.
Axis Of Measurement: The dimension to measure.
Bounding box
Makes a box with the X/Y/Z dimensions of a given geometry.
This essentially creates the smallest box that is aligned with the global coordinate system and fully encompassing the given geometry.
Target: Some geometry.
Offset X/Y/Z: Makes the bounding box larger (or smaller on negative values) in the corresponding axis direction.
Is 2D (Make 2D Bounding Box): Denote that the input must be considered 'pure' 2D data, and therefor must result in a 2D bounding box. This is relatively hard to resolve automatically, and hence must be manually decided.
Connect (GHX)
Connects to an external service to execute a Grasshopper script. This node has dynamic in- and outputs based on what is setup in the script.
CAD Source: The resource holding the CAD script that needs to be executed.
Normal smooth
Visually smoothens the surface of an object. Note that it does not alter the object itself regarding export files.
Target: Any geometry (preferably 3D).
Advanced Inputs
Maximum Angle: An angular threshold (in radians) denoting how much you want to smoothen the object. Angles between faces lower than this threshold will be smoothed, the others will not.
Reverses the direction of the face normals of a geometry.
Target: Any geometry.
Remove by selection
Remove all (un)selected faces of a geometry. Used in combination with the cut modifier to separate the resulting geometry.
Target: Any geometry.
Selected: When set to 'Yes' all selected faces are removed, when set to 'No' all unselected faces are removed
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