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Twikbot 5.1.7 Release notes

Release date: 07/11/2024

What’s new?

Version 5.1.7 brings significant updates focused on security, efficiency, and enhanced user experience. With the introduction of Multi-Factor Authentication, a new Content module for streamlined resource management, and improved tools within the graph editor, this release is designed to boost productivity while safeguarding your data. Additionally, several bug fixes enhance stability and usability across the platform. Here’s a detailed look at what’s new in Version 5.1.7.

Highlights of Version 5.1.7


  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To strengthen security, TwikBot 5 now enables Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) by default. This extra layer of protection helps ensure only authorized access to your account and project data, providing enhanced security across the platform.


  • New "Content" module in main navigation: The main navigation now includes a "Content" module with a "Resources" submenu, allowing users to directly manage their product resources in the main navigator instead of going into the product graph. This module provides a streamlined space for uploading, updating, and organizing essential assets like CAD data, vector files, textures, and materials. This centralization improves data handling, fostering better collaboration and efficiency within teams.


  • Colorshape Wizard modifier: A new Colorshape Wizard modifier has been added to the graph editor, supporting the setup of 3D configurator applications with personalized embroidery options.

  • Drag-and-Drop input options: Users can now easily drag and drop options within dropdown and icon picker nodes, allowing for easier reordering configuration options such as colors.

  • Enhanced resource creation labels: Updated labels in resource creation—now labeled as "Upload file" and "Create material"—enhance usability and make it easier to distinguish between file upload and material creation options.

Platform bug fixes

  • Project publishing stability: Resolved an issue causing some projects to get stuck as "In Progress" during publishing.

  • Resource name updates: Fixed an issue where resource names were not updating when a new version was uploaded.

  • File type visibility in order details: Fixed an issue where the type of certain files (.svg, .json, and .dxf) were not showing in order details.

  • Icon picker UI: Addressed an issue where icon picker icons appeared cut off in the standalone customizer UI.

  • Hidden parameters display: Resolved an issue where "Hidden" parameters were still taking up space in the UI.

  • Mesh and image resource updates: Fixed an issue that prevented updates to certain Mesh or Image resources.

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