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Orders | Order details

Order details provide comprehensive information about each specific order.


Order details


Displays the Order ID, External order ID, creation date and associated project of the order.

Optional: A custom order ID can be assigned to each order by using the EDIT DETAILS option available in the context menu ... . This feature can enhance the management and traceability of orders.


Edit details


Provides a list of all ordered products along with their respective configuration IDs.

To access more detailed information about a product order, click on the corresponding product row. More information on Product details is available in Orders | Product details.

Production files

Offers an overview of all the production files associated with the order, including their file types. Each production file can be individually downloaded using the corresponding download icon.

PDF export

Order details can be exported to a PDF format directly from the context menu .... The PDF captures all relevant details of the order, providing a comprehensive and sharable document.


Download PDF

For convenience, all order details can also be downloaded collectively as a single package through theDOWNLOAD ORDER option.

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