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Modifiers | Transform






The align places the object on the world origin (X, Y and Z axis). Placing either the center (middle) or one of the extrema (left, right, top, bottom, front or back) of your object on the origin of the selected direction(s).

  • Target: A 2D or 3D object.

  • Alignment (X): This will move your object over the X axis and make it go left, middle, or right.

  • Alignment (Y): This will move your object over the Y axis and make it go up, middle, or down.

  • Alignment (Z): This will move your object over the Z axis and make it go front, middle, or back.


Shrinks or grows an object to match the chosen dimensions.

  • Target: The shape you want to be contained.

  • Width (X) : Width of the container.

  • Height (Y): Height of the container.

  • Depth (Z): Depth of the container.

  • Mode: There are three modes that will define how the shape will adapt to the boundaries of the container.

    • Match container size: The shape will grow or shrink to fit into the container.

    • Shrink to container size: The shape will only shrink to fit into the container.

    • Grow to container size: The shape will only grow to fit into the container.

  • Aspect Ratio:

    • Maintain aspect ratio within container.

    • Deform to fit container.


Arrays the object a chosen amount of times along the X-axis, Y-axis or Z-axis. If needed you can choose to have an offset between each instance.

  • Target: Any geometry.

  • Repeat X/Y/Z: number of times the geometry must be repated in the X/Y/Z-direction.

  • Offset X/Y/Z: space that must be left between each consecutive instance in the X/Y/Z direction. Negative values make the repeated instances overlap in the respective direction.


Rotates a geometry with a certain angle around a given axis

The rotate modifier takes 3 angles ( in degrees ) defining rotations Rx, Ry and Rz around the X-, Y- and Z axes. The input object is rotated around Y, then around X and finally around Z. More specifically the complete rotation R is assembled as Ry * Rx * Rz.

  • Target: The shape you want to rotate.

  • X: This will rotate your object over the X axis.

  • Y: This will rotate your object over the Y axis.

  • Z: This will rotate your object over the Z axis.

Random rotate

Rotates an object or a group of objects randomly within chosen min/max values.


  • Target: Any geometry. One single object is randomly rotated, a set of objects are each variably rotated.

  • Seed: A value indicating a probability distribution for randomness calculation. Each seed will yield its own 'stream' of random numbers out of which the rotation is calculated. Keeping this value fixed is useful to have a (pseudo)random, yet somewhat predictable and controllable result.

  • Minimum/Maximum Degree: The range in which a random rotation must remain.


Scales the object with a chosen factor along the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis. Tip, use the same factor on all input fields to scale proportionally.

Note: A negative factor will invert the mesh.

  • Target: The geometry you want to scale.

  • X: This will scale your object over the X axis.

  • Y: This will scale your object over the Y axis.

  • Z: This will scale your object over the Z axis.


Moves the object a chosen distance along the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis.

  • Target: The shape you want to translate.

  • X: This will translate your object over the X axis.

  • Y: This will translate your object over the Y axis.

  • Z: This will translate your object over the Z axis.

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