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Modifiers | Lattices (Coming soon)




Mesh to volume (LE)

Converts the mesh into a volume to enable lattice generation, based on the longest edge parameter.

This volume is a three-dimensional grid, a cell in this grid is called a voxel.

With the “Longest Edge node” modifier, you can specify the number of voxels along the longest side of the mesh.

The number of voxels in the two other dimensions follows from this, because our voxels are always cubic I.e. the same length in all three dimensions. Once we know how wide in world-coordinates a voxel is in one dimension we can compute the required number of voxels in the other dimensions using the real-world coordinate boundaries of the input mesh. 

  • Target: This input will be the mesh that will be turned into a volume. 

  • Voxel Grid Cell Padding: This number of voxels are left empty as padding on all sides of the volume (At least). We say at least because we require cubic voxels so we can’t scale dimensions independently.

  • Voxel Grid Bounds Padding: Value (in world coordinates) to be added to the bounds of the input mesh. The idea of bounds padding is like voxel grid cell padding: add padding between the volume edges and the mesh edges. With cell padding we specify a number of voxels that remain empty. Bounds padding however (artificially) inflates the mesh boundary values. As the volume encompasses the boundary values, this has the effect of creating padding between the volume and the mesh boundaries.

  • Voxel Grid Clipping Offset: Shrink/expand the generated volume by this factor. The value is subtracted from the volume signed distance values, positive values will thus increase the volume size, and negative values will decrease the size. 

  • Voxel Grid Longest Edge: The number of voxels that will be used on the longest edge of your object.  

Mesh to volume (CS)

Converts the mesh into a volume to enable lattice generation, based on the voxel cell size parameter.

This volume is a three-dimensional grid, a cell in this grid is called a voxel.

The “Voxel Cell Size” modifier takes the size of a voxel (remember, our voxels are cubic) as input. After computing the bounding box of the mesh we then know the requested number of voxels in the three dimensions. 

  • Target: This input will be the mesh that will be turned into a volume. 

  • Voxel Grid Cell Padding: This number of voxels are left empty as padding on all sides of the volume (at least). We say at least because we require cubic voxels so we can’t scale dimensions independently.

  • Voxel Grid Bounds Padding: Value (in world coordinates) to be added to the bounds of the input mesh. The idea of bounds padding is like voxel grid cell padding: add padding between the volume edges and the mesh edges. With cell padding we specify a number of voxels that remain empty. Bounds padding however (artificially) inflates the mesh boundary values. As the volume encompasses the boundary values, this has the effect of creating padding between the volume and the mesh boundaries.

  • Voxel Grid Clipping Offset: Shrink/expand the generated volume by this factor. The value is subtracted from the volume signed distance values, positive values will thus increase the volume size, and negative values will decrease the size. 

  • Voxel Grid Cell Size: This will determine the size of the voxel that is being used.  

Volume to mesh

Re-converts a volume to a mesh in order to export the file. The underlying algorithm is known as “marching cubes”. 

  • Target: This input will be the volume that will be turned into a mesh. 

  • Decimate Max Normal Cone (deg): Remove vertices where the cone spanned by the normals of the faces after removing a vertex has an opening less than or equal to this value. 

  • Remove Stragglers: Keep only the connected mesh with the largest number of vertices, remove all other meshes (if any).


Fills a volume with a uniform lattice. Together with mesh to volume and volume to mesh modifiers this allows filling a mesh with a uniform lattice

  • Source: This input should be the output from the Mesh to Volume node created previously.  

  • Unit Cell Type: This parameter will define the type of unit cell that will be used to created the uniform lattice.  

  • Unit Cell Size: This parameter will determine the size of the unit cell that will be used in the lattice. This parameter is expressed in world coordinates I.e. the unit of the coordinates of the original input mesh. Typically mm. 

  • Unit Cell Strut Thickness: this parameter will determine the thickness of the struts of the unit cell (units: see cell_size) 

  • Skin: This will determine if the lattified volume will be skinned. Skinning here means applying our custom algorithm for not simply cutting off the unit cell at the input mesh boundaries but “folding the edges back into the mesh”. This creates a smooth and stable lattice boundary instead of something possibly (depending on the type of unit cell) unstable and/or pointy. 

Volume shrink

Shrinks the generated volume by this factor.

  • Target: This input will be the volume that will be shrunk. 

  • Percentage (0:1): value that will determine the shrinking factor of the shrinking.

Volume intersect

 Intersects two input volumes 

  • Volume A: Any volume.

  • Volume B: Any volume.

Volume subtract

 Subtracts the second input volume from the first 

  • Volume A: Any volume.

  • Volume B: Any volume.

Volume union

Unites the two input volumes 

  • Volume A: Any volume.

  • Volume B: Any volume.

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