Modifiers | Lattices (Coming soon)
Modifier | Explanation | Input |
Mesh to volume (LE) | Converts the mesh into a volume to enable lattice generation, based on the longest edge parameter. This volume is a three-dimensional grid, a cell in this grid is called a voxel. With the “Longest Edge node” modifier, you can specify the number of voxels along the longest side of the mesh. The number of voxels in the two other dimensions follows from this, because our voxels are always cubic I.e. the same length in all three dimensions. Once we know how wide in world-coordinates a voxel is in one dimension we can compute the required number of voxels in the other dimensions using the real-world coordinate boundaries of the input mesh. |
Mesh to volume (CS) | Converts the mesh into a volume to enable lattice generation, based on the voxel cell size parameter. This volume is a three-dimensional grid, a cell in this grid is called a voxel. The “Voxel Cell Size” modifier takes the size of a voxel (remember, our voxels are cubic) as input. After computing the bounding box of the mesh we then know the requested number of voxels in the three dimensions. |
Volume to mesh | Re-converts a volume to a mesh in order to export the file. The underlying algorithm is known as “marching cubes”. |
Lattify | Fills a volume with a uniform lattice. Together with mesh to volume and volume to mesh modifiers this allows filling a mesh with a uniform lattice |
Volume shrink | Shrinks the generated volume by this factor. |
Volume intersect | Intersects two input volumes |
Volume subtract | Subtracts the second input volume from the first |
Volume union | Unites the two input volumes |