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Modifiers | 2D Modifiers





Group shapes

Groups two shapes/2D geometries into one.

  • First: The first shape.

  • Second: The second shape.

Pre-process shape

Preprocesses the shape for usage in twikbot: closes up open shapes, fixes the winding and makes sure there are no overlapping polygons.

  • Source: The given shape.

  • Close: Close open shapes.

  • Fix Polygon Winding: Aligns misoriented polygons.

  • Merge: Merges overlapping polygons.

Render text

Creates a 2D geometry from text combined with a font.

  • Target Text: The text to render as a shape. It can be given as a plain value, but typically this is provided as a Text Input parameter to make the text customizable.

  • Font: The font of the text, used to determine the outline of each character and the text.

  • Text Size (mm): This value makes the text bigger or smaller.

  • Text Overlap (mm): To make the spacing between the characters wider or smaller.

  • Center Text: An option to center the given text. However, this feature got obsolete with the introduction of the textbox modifier. Please consider the use of the textbox modifier instead.

  • Unify Text: Unify the text into one shape, instead of one shape per character.

  • Spacing

    • Fixed: Uses the fixed distance between characters set in the font.

    • Fluent: Uses the minimum distance between subsequent characters based on horizontal spacing value.

    • Tight: Uses the bounding box of each character.

The overlap parameter is not completely independent of each of these modes and can be used with any of them, to achieve the desired overall spacing.

  • Horizontal Spacing (mm): Horizontal spacing that needs to be maintained between characters.

  • Vertical Spacing (mm): Vertical spacing that needs to be maintained between shapes or characters.

  • Minimum Desired Bridge (mm): Desired minimum distance between opposite edges on the inside of a polygon.

  • Bridge Angle Threshold Between Segments: Angle threshold to calculate the minimum desired bridge.

  • Minimum Desired Gap (mm): Desired minimum distance between opposite edges on the outside of a polygon.

  • Gap Angle Threshold Between Segments: Angle threshold to calculate the minimum desired gap.

  • Textbox Width (mm): Defines the maximum total width of the rendered text, overlapping characters will be clipped.

  • Minimum Polygon Size (mm): The smallest possible size of a polygon inside a letter. Polygons with an approximate diameter smaller than this value are removed.

Convert shape to mesh

Description coming soon

Description coming soon

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